Monday, January 17, 2011

Introductory Review: Shills Miss Perfect Pore Hide

Hello to anyone reading my humble blog :)

For my first post, I thought I would review an item I believe no one should ever, EVER waste their money on. Shills Miss Perfect Pore Hide.

Shills Miss Perfect is a face primer that claims to hide pores, absorb oil and mattify. The usual for a face primer. I'm sure you've probably read some positive reviews on the stuff, I know I certainly did, but when I got it in the mail, I could honestly find nothing good about it.

First off, the size of the product is tiny. Seriously tiny. Imagine a large lipgloss pot and you have the amount of product you will receive. Even then, the product only fills about a 1/4 of the container with the rest filled by a large sponge for application.

Secondly, the smell of this will knock you over. It's not even a floral or fruity scent. I find that to me it smells like a mix of latex and rubber. And this isn't a smell that goes away after a while. I had it on for about fifteen minutes before I couldn't put up with it anymore and had to take it off.

You'd think with a lack of product and horrible smell the actual product should at least do a decent job? Well, no. No, it doesn't. It feels greasy on the face and does nothing to mattify the skin. In fact, it does quite the opposite. After applying foundation on top of Miss Perfect Pore Hide my foundation turned yellow (? I know, I don't understand either,) and no amount of pressed powder could stop the oily appearance of my skin. By the way, I have dry skin so I can't even imagine what this would do to people with oily skin. I shudder at the thought.

So pretty much if you have a nose or dislike your skin being comparable to a grease slick, I suggest strongly that you skip on this.

You can find Shills products on eBay and some online stores. I bought this for $5 (20mL of product) on eBay.

Overall Rating: 1/10

1 comment:

  1. I just got this is the mail! I wish I stumbled upon your post first before purchasing it because it DOES smell like rubber and its sooo oily. bad bad bad :(
